Organizations catering to the ________ market need to price their offerings carefully because these markets usually have



Organizations catering to the ________ market need to price their offerings carefully because these markets usually have limited purchasing power.Qantas, the Australian national airline carrier, introduces flights to the Middle East. This is an example of ________.A growing population does not mean growing markets unless ________.If a marketing researcher chooses to use word associations, the researcher is using ________ questions.A:business B:nonprofit C:exclusive D:global E:consumer 答案: nonprofitA:market penetration B:market development C:product development D:differentiation E:diversification 答案: market penetrationA:people have sufficient purchasing power B:there is common ownership of all resources C:the people are under a democratic system of government D:the government has a budget surplus E:there is adequate governmental intervention in the market 答案: people have sufficient purchasing powerA:open-end B:semantic differential C:closed-end D:Likert scale E:rating scale 答案: open-end


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